Forum forum is simply beautiful with its rich and diverse informations. But it is also very different because of its specific features:
• you can participate in any forum, add threads or posts and react to any post
polls are quite instructive but you can also post any comment on each one of them
• you can react to all the forum daily news and video clips
• to post a reaction, a new thread or a message is simple and user friendly
• short YouTube urls are easily and automatically recognized
• you can manage your settings as well as your avatar but also your public profile
• you can exchange private messages member to member
• this way, you can send directly a private message without sending an email
• you receive a site message and email whenever someone reacts to one of your posts
• if you want to, you can get an email whenever you receive a private message
• through your personal account, you access directly to your last 100 posts

This forum's main feature is that it has been readily developed for the members of the community. It sure is not one of these numerous lifeless automotive forums. Your desire for information and communication, as well as private messaging, is immersed in a warm and very lively graphic environment using the color codes so that you get a feeling of self-confidence by being in such a valuable environment.

This forum users can freely post and reply to each others as well as react to the numerous news, cars ads, buying or selling opportunities with the ability to publish any ad or announcement inside any threads or view and propose video clips as well as specific posts.

For professional car dealers, to be able to create and publish your own banners, while hosting or participating in forums, is a very precious business plus and innovative concept as banners display on specialized forums threading on specific makes, models or types of models, within any precise geographic area is just a fantastic marketing tool. Car dealers can rest assured that they will precisely reach qualified would be customers.

To sum it up, forum plusses on the public users side are its graphic beauty and its numerous user very friendly features while, on the professional car dealer side, its marketing abilities with its exceptional tools provide for superior and qualified target marketing.

You can visualize here (French) the illustrated version of our forum specific features and fantastic tools.